Brawler of the mid-week, LPL buff special - the "Pulseboat" Protector Rak - Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Edit In celebration of the latest Pulse buffs, for all the wub-wub lovers out there, I would like to introduce you to my laser-cutter of choice, ...
Pulse laser buffs in the latest patch Rak - Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Edit Ever since I started playing in late 2012, the pulse lasers have not been in a good spot. They're heavier, have less range and more heat...
Brawler of the Week - "The unusual S" Rak - Sunday, February 16, 2014 Edit A brawler with LRM's as its main weapon? Yep! This is the abomination that I came up with while eliting my Thunderbolts two months ago....
Sick of Twitch's Android app? Try Vortex! Rak - Sunday, February 16, 2014 Edit I must admit that watching Twitch streams has become sort of an addiction for me, especially on my android tablet before going to sleep. Tho...
This is how you kill your FPS Rak - Thursday, February 13, 2014 Edit Surprise, a non-MWO post! I don't know how many of you played Battlefield 4 yet, but I just wanted to show you how and why such a trainw...
Systems still operational! Rak - Wednesday, February 12, 2014 Edit Some of you may have thought "Jeez, another blogger burned out after the initial productivity . . ." but I promise that is not the...
Ember "the Firestarter, the freakin' instigator" has arrived Rak - Tuesday, February 04, 2014 Edit We already knew a new "controversial" light mech was on its way for months and no, it wasn't a Flea. It was hinted in an NGNG ...
Pro tip: Gauss Rifle+LL Rak - Sunday, February 02, 2014 Edit Gauss sucks now right? Well, not so much. Getting used to the charge time can be annoying, but the worst offender for me is the almost non-e...